Western College of Sciences is registered under the Companies Act 2006 in Scotland with Company Number: SC684534.

Western College of Sciences (WCS) is registered with the United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers, as a verified UK learning provider. The United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) is a Government Register of Verified Learning Providers in the UK and is used by government departments agencies such as the Learning and Skills Council, Careers Advice Service, HESA, HEFCE and UCAS, and by learners and employers. Our reference no is 10087942

Western College of Sciences is an accredited CPD Training Provider. The CPD Accreditation Group, one of the most respected UK based CPD accrediting bodies. The Accredited Provider registration number is 778736. Continuing Professional Development, or CPD points or credits helps you to illustrate to your current or prospective employer that you have continued to study and develop your skills and knowledge to a recognized standard on an approved course.

Disability Confident is a government scheme designed to encourage employers to recruit and retain disabled people and those with health conditions. It has replaced the previous Two Ticks Positive About Disabled People scheme. It is voluntary and has been developed by employers and disabled people's representatives. Western College of Sciences is proud to be accredited "Level 1 : Committed"

Western College of Science is an institutional member. SATEFL was set up in 1979 as a charity organisation to assist English language teachers meet and liaise with like-minded people and work towards promoting our profession. SATEFL is a non-profit-making association with a membership drawn from a wide spectrum of people interested and/or involved in some aspect of English Language Teaching and Learning. It aims to provide a forum in Scotland for talks and workshops presented by both local members and speakers from further afield.

For over 50 years, the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, (IATEFL) has been linking, developing and supporting English language teaching professionals worldwide. IATEFL is a global professional membership association, and a UK registered charity.

Project Management Institute (PMI) is the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession. Through global advocacy, collaboration, education and research, PMI work to prepare more than three million professionals around the world for the Project Economy: the coming economy in which work, and individuals, are organized around projects.

The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages is an American organization aiming to improve and expand the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.

Western College of Sciences (WCS) is included in the database of The Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Directorate-General. The Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes are managed by National Agencies in participating countries and the Education, Audiovisual, and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The European Solidarity Corps funding is provided in the form of grants to organisations through call for proposals. Young people wishing to engage in such activities need to register in the European Solidarity Corps portal. The European Solidarity Corps portal offers a place for those young people and organisations, holding a grant, to implement activities and to find each other. The European Solidarity Corps is managed by the European Commission. It is implemented on the ground by a variety of bodies like Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), National Agencies in Each Participating Country, SALTOs and European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre.

CEDEFOP is one of the EU's decentralised agencies. Founded in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, CEDEFOP supports development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The agency is helping the European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies.

Founded in 1989, the European Association for International Education is the European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education. EAIE is a non-profit, member-led organisation serving individuals actively involved in the internationalisation of their institutions through a combination of training, conferences and knowledge acquisition and sharing. EAIE equips academic and non-academic professionals with best practices and workable solutions to internationalisation challenges and provide a platform for strategic exchange. EAIE partners with key stakeholder organisations and institutions to promote our membership interests and advance international higher education in Europe and the rest of the world.

Western College of Sciences is compliant with ISO 9001:2015, an internationally recognised standard that ensures their services meet the needs of students through an effective quality management system. Our decision to work towards ISO 9001:2015 accreditation demonstrates our commitment to continually improving their services. To become ISO 9001:2015 compliant, we underwent an extensive company-wide audit that included quality management system development, a management system documentation review, pre-audit, initial assessment, and clearance of non-conformances.